EnginSoft - Conference Abstracts

EnginSoft International Conference 2010
CAE Technologies for Industry

IBM and Technical Computing: architectures and technologies

Briscolini Marco - IBM (Italy)


The relevant technology progresses occurred in the last decade on microprocessors, networking, storage, cluster integration and middleware, qualify high performance computing capabilities a strategic asset for product designing at affordable costs IBM provides advanced architectures to efficaciously integrate servers, storage and middleware, to address new needs on simulations for product development. Sizing, flexibility, reliability, resilience, availability, virtualization, TCO: criteria to be used to identify the best solution for an industrial organization which intends to invest in high performance computing for technical purposes.
New concepts as Cloud Computing and related services, which extend the computing-on-demand service approach, are an additional opportunity on making use of computational capabilities, provided by internal or external organizations on a private or public cloud infrastructure, to minimize costs due to infrastructures and full system management.
In this framework the talk intends to provide a short overview of recent technology progresses for improving the exploitation of high performance computing for product designing.

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