EnginSoft - Conference Abstracts

EnginSoft International Conference 2009
CAE Technologies for Industry

Effect of Fibula and Talus on the Stress Distribution of Tibia Bone

Ozkan Arif - Kocaeli University (Turkey)
Mutlu Ibrahim - Kocaeli University (Turkey)
Buluc Levent - Kocaeli University (Turkey)
Muezzinoglu Sefa - Kocaeli University (Turkey)
Kisioglu Yasin - Kocaeli University (Turkey)


In this study, effects of talus and fibula on stress distribution of tibia subjected to body weight in axial direction and torsional loading are examined. The congruent threedimensional (3D) solid modeling of distal extremities which is consist of tibia, fibula and talus bones are generated using the computerized tomography (CT) images. After the modeling processes, these models are converted to finite element models to apply the loading and the relevant boundary conditions to obtain the stress distribution on the tibia. When the body load and torsional loadings are applied to the tibia alone, the stress distribution are obtained different than the talus and fibula are added to the tibia modeling conditions. As a result of these calculations, it is obtained that the fibula and talus play an important role on the stress distribution of tibia modeling.

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